Tuesday, July 29, 2008

They're Back!

Where's Jonas?

There he is!

Aunt Beth and Uncle Ryan got back from their honeymoon! We headed over there tonight to welcome them back and see some pictures. Jonas enjoyed playing outside with the "big kids". He especially liked Brad, who let him walk on Mommy's car!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Back on the Horse!

Jonas had his first playground trip since his ER trip last weekend. He wasn't afraid at all...big surprise (not)! He did feel better holding hands with Bethers down the slide. (By the way, these pics were taken with my brand new camera, which can take movies! They will be coming soon to Jonas' blog!)

Sunday, July 27, 2008


We spent the day at Camp Pioneer today for their annual Summerfest. Jonas went swimming in the lake, rode a train, and played on the playground. He also kept stealing cake from the food tent where Mommy and Grandma were working, and mooched cotton candy off a lady at a picnic table. Great Grandma let him ride the train by himself the second time, and by the time he came back he had fallen asleep sitting up. Where's a camera when you need one? Great Grandma tried to buy him ice cream, but he had already fallen asleep again on Mommy. Check out last year when we were at Summerfest.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Farmer Boy

At the Perry's ice cream place they have these really cool tractors all over. Jonas loved them!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sand Art

Jonas can have quite the creative side when he wants to. He got very into making these sand art pictures with the salt shakers. It was just a messy enough project for him to love!

Monday, July 21, 2008

"My Hat!"

Jonas and I went on a bike ride this morning and he refused to take off his helmet, or "hat" as he calls it, for the rest of the morning. Judging from Friday's adventure, Jonas might be safer that way...

Saturday, July 19, 2008

First ER Trip

Before the ER visit:

After the ER visit:

Jonas fell on the playground yesterday and hit his head on a pole, causing a gash in his forehead. Aunt Lisa had both her girls with her as well, so with some assistance from people at the pool area and the first aid center, she finally got him going to Children's Hospital. Andrew and I met her there so she could go home. Jonas was covered in blood and really quite disgusting, but he was a trooper while the ER nurse cleaned him up a bit. 3 1/2 hours later, he got some glue to hold the cut together. Andrew had gone to get us some food, so he missed the 5 minute appointment. I had to hold Jonas down so the poor nurse could fix his cut. He did not appreciate her going near his "boo-boo". Of course, in true Jonas style, as soon as it was over he was fine. We ended the night with some dinner at Page's and then Jonas hit the sack. Mom and I still needed to recover with some chocolate and wine! Jonas is doing great today!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Go Horsie!

Jonas likes to play on his rocking horse, and says "wee!" the whole time he is on it. The cool thing is, it's my rocking horse from when I was a kid! Gotta love the toys that last generations.

Sprinkler Fun!

We took advantage of the excessively hot day today and had some fun out in the yard with the sprinkler!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Let's Play Ball!

Uncle Mike taught Jonas how to catch! He puts both arms out and catches the ball into his chest. He is already a good thrower, so maybe he will turn out to be athletic (unlike his mom!)

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Jones' Came to Visit!

The Jones family came up for the weekend to celebrate Bekah's dedication with us on Sunday. Jonas got to meet Matthew and Benjamin for the first time! We had a great time visiting with them and all the kids had a ball playing together. A special thank you to Mike and Kiko for taking care of Jonas after the wedding Saturday night!

Bekah's Dedication

Sunday morning was Bekah's dedication ceremony at Aunt Lisa's church. She looked really adorable and didn't even cry during it. God bless you Bekah!

The Reception

Jonas got to ride in a limo for the first time. He was a very good boy and thought it was so cool he declared "My car!" He also enjoyed the stop at the McKernan's for pictures because he got to hang out with Mr. McKernan and eat cookies and look at the bubbles in the hot tub. When we got to the reception Jonas was surprised by a new racing chair! He also got a coloring book and crayons. He had a special little kid's meal with chicken nuggets and smiley face french fries. He enjoyed dinner (as you can see from the top picture) and ran up to the head table once in a while to say hi to Mommy. After dinner he did some serious dancing and ran around like a crazy man. When Jonas and Bethany had enough, Uncle Matt took them home to go to bed. It was a very fun day, and Jonas is officially an experienced ringbearer!

It's Time!

So despite being cheered up by playing hide and seek, neither of the children wanted to leave the room and walk down the aisle. Bethany wouldn't let me put her down, so I carried her. Jonas started walking ahead of me, but only got about 1/4 of the way down the aisle before he turned around and wanted me to carry him too. So, with one on each hip, down we went. That was the good part. When I put Jonas and Bethany down in the pew with Grandma, Jonas started bawling when he realized I wasn't coming to sit by him and I was going to the front. Aunt Lisa had to take both kids to the back of the church and ended up missing the whole wedding. What a good aunt and mommy she is. Despite the beginning not going as planned, the wedding was gorgeous and Mr. & Mrs. Ryan McKernan looked great! Congratulations guys, we love you!

Wedding Day! - Getting Ready

It was quite an adventure getting ready for the wedding. Jonas hates wearing his tux, so there was a lot of bribing with fruit snacks in order to get him to let me put it on. He eventually did though, and he was the handsomest little ringbearer ever. Getting dressed and being stuck in a little room put both Bethany and Jonas in pretty cranky moods, but they cheered up when they discovered the closet they could play hide and seek in!

Ryan and Beth's Wedding - The Rehearsal

On Friday evening we had the rehearsal for Ryan and Beth's wedding. Jonas was the ringbearer, Bethany was one of the flower girls, and Mommy was a bridesmaid! Talk about crazy! The rehearsal didn't go too bad and the kids eventually did make it down the aisle. More importantly, they looked super cute! They entertained themselves at the dinner by climbing in and out of Bekah's carseat.

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Evening at the Park

Last night we went to the park at the end of Aunt Lisa's street to enjoy a free concert and play at the playground. Jonas had a blast, and we got the opportunity for our first good picture with Jonas, Bethany, and Bekah!

Big Boy Haircut!



On Monday Jonas got his first haircut at a hairdresser. He sat on my lap and was perfect the whole time. The hairdresser didn't make him look too old, but it is definitely a big difference!

Video Games!

Jonas went to Duff's last week with the family. Uncle Mike taught him how to play the racing video game. Of course, Jonas was mesmorized because he loves cars! He also really loves to dance to the music at Duff's and eat their mac & cheese kids meal! Overall, it was a very fun night.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

"I Love You!"

On Tuesday, July 1st, Jonas said "I love you!". Actually, it is more like "I wuv woo!" but you get the idea. At bedtime I said his prayers with him and said "I love you, Jonas" and he answered me back! It was the sweetest thing I've ever heard. Now I think he could get me to do just about anything if he looks at me and says that! Hopefully he doesn't catch on...