Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Rest of August, and Most of September

Here comes the massive "catch up" post!  Hold on to your hats, cause here we go!

We went to the Erie County Fair and saw a bunch of smelly animals.  We also got the kids faces painted, and stopped at the wood carver who made the kids some really cute little things.

We went to the Bison's game, and the kids picked giant gumballs as their treat.

Jonas was a champ at the dentist, and was super excited to get tokens to spend on little toys.  The dentist said he was her best patient all day :-)

We bought a boat!  We've been out a couple times, but it will be even better when it actually WORKS!

Jonas started first grade!  He is doing great, and loves his teacher, Ms. Harris.

The kids get special friends at school, and Jonas couldn't be more excited to have his buddy, Kyle.  They had tons of fun at the first special friends activity, chalk day.

Now, maybe I will be better at this from now on, maybe not :-)  But I am going to try to post some pictures of some of the work Jonas is doing in school, because I couldn't be prouder of my smart little guy!

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