Sunday, June 28, 2009

Camping at Letchworth State Park

We started out our annual sibling camping trip with Uncle Mike's car not starting! Once that was fixed, we headed out to Letchworth State Park.

Jonas' favorite things at the campsite were stealing ice from the cooler and playing ladderball.

On Saturday, we hiked for about 2 hours to see the Lower Falls. Jonas was a trooper, but he needed to be carried for a while. It was a long hike!

Jonas showing off his muscles with Bethany and Uncle Mike during the hike

On the way back to the campsite, Jonas and Bekah took a much needed nap.

Saturday afternoon, we went to a petting zoo. Jonas really liked petting all of the animals, and even tried to feed them! He also got a dinosaur balloon from Crystal the Clown, and broke it before we got to the car.

Saturday night we went to see fireworks. Jonas and Bethany both got really excited about it. Jonas would squeal and look at Bethany every time he saw one, so he missed half of them. That didn't matter to him though, he was psyched! We got back to the site at about 10:15, and Jonas went straight to bed. He was asleep within 2 minutes!

Sunday morning we took a short hike to see the middle and upper falls. Beth and Jonas ran almost the whole thing! Jonas especially like the train that crossed the bridge over the upper falls.

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