This afternoon we headed out to Batavia for a little barbeque for the 4th of July. Jonas was enjoying hanging out on his cousin Dominic's four-wheeler when it started to rain...and then hail. So, we moved indoors. But it didn't matter to Jonas, as long as all of his cousins kept playing with him!
Check out the awesome mailbox Jonas got from his Aunt Kathy and Uncle Bob. He loves the ladybug that spins around on the bottom.Friday was such a beautiful day! Jonas and Bethany played on a blanket in the backyard all afternoon. Jonas loves getting attention from his big cousin, and got tons of it! He had a blast.
Today we went over to Grandma and Grandpa's for Mike's birthday cake (which was a really cool dragon cake Aunt Lisa and I made). Jonas got to eat a chocolate graham cracker! He loved it and got it all over himself!
Yesterday we went over to see Great Grandma. She had tons of cool bottles that she saved for Jonas and Bethany to play with! They had fun knocking them down and shaking them!
Lately Jonas has been holding on to everything. He fell asleep in his car seat, but still wouldn't let go! Just a little update for you...Jonas learned how to clap! He has been working on it at Grandma Herdlein's house and he finally got it! Yay!
Last night we went to Jonas' first baseball game! He loved to watch all the people and birds. He especially enjoyed the children sitting behind us playing with him! I think we have many baseball games in our future!
And of course, Jonas was very excited to see Uncle Mike propose to Mary on the big jumbotron! Congrats Uncle Mike and Aunt Mary! We love you!
Wednesday was the first day I went to the zoo with Jonas, Aunt Lisa, and Bethany. Unfortunately, the only picture I took was of this wandering peacock. We were too busy having fun to take pictures!