I just love this picture. Jonas is all soapy, and splashing away! This is why I always end up soaked at the end of bath time!
Jonas is learning more and more things every day! Keep visiting so you can see what he's up to!
Monday, April 23, 2007
I just love this picture. Jonas is all soapy, and splashing away! This is why I always end up soaked at the end of bath time!
Happy Birthday Bethany!
On Saturday Jonas and I headed over to Aunt Lisa and Uncle's Matt's for Bethany's birthday party. Bethany got tons of cool stuff, and Jonas liked playing with it too! Hope you had a great birthday Bethers!

This is what we got Bethany. She liked it!
By the end of the party, Jonas was pretty pooped!
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Zoo Day!
Bethany pushed Jonas around the zoo today with Aunt Lisa. He enjoyed the sun and his walk in the stroller!

Jonas was pretty impressed with the gorilla....well, it was the only animal they saw. Bethany was too busy walking around to be bothered looking at animals.

Thursday, April 19, 2007
6 Months Old!

Jonas went to the doctor on Wednesday. He is 26 inches, and 16 pounds. Still on the small side, but doing much better as far as weight. He is perfectly healthy and as cute as ever!
And an update on his latest developments. He can roll over both ways, and he can sit up all by himself. He is eating very well lately, fruits for lunch and veggies for dinner. He even just moved on to stage 2 foods! He has also learned to put his binkie in his mouth all by himself, which his daddy and I have enjoyed very much!
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Happy Easter
Jonas is having fun celebrating his first Easter! He's already been to a party and gotten goodies. He was definitely enjoying himself.

Thursday, April 05, 2007
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