Jonas took all morning to open his presents, but he got pretty good at it! It was so cute to see him get excited by each one.

Every time he opened a present, he said "Open it!" to whoever was closest to him. He played with almost every present before opening the next one...which made it last a long time! He took the time to line up his alphabet blocks...

read his books...

try on his Cars slippers...

and check out all the sounds and gadgets of his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (his favorite toy)...

but at the end of the morning, all he wanted to do was sing into his McDonald's microphone that we got with a Happy Meal months ago. That's a kid for you!

Here's my favorite videos of Jonas opening presents.
I like this one because Jonas thought he still had to press something on the box to make it sing the "Hot Dog" song, so he was trying to find the box instead of playing with his toy!
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