Before the ER visit:

After the ER visit:

Jonas fell on the playground yesterday and hit his head on a pole, causing a gash in his forehead. Aunt Lisa had both her girls with her as well, so with some assistance from people at the pool area and the first aid center, she finally got him going to Children's Hospital. Andrew and I met her there so she could go home. Jonas was covered in blood and really quite disgusting, but he was a trooper while the ER nurse cleaned him up a bit. 3 1/2 hours later, he got some glue to hold the cut together. Andrew had gone to get us some food, so he missed the 5 minute appointment. I had to hold Jonas down so the poor nurse could fix his cut. He did not appreciate her going near his "boo-boo". Of course, in true Jonas style, as soon as it was over he was fine. We ended the night with some dinner at Page's and then Jonas hit the sack. Mom and I still needed to recover with some chocolate and wine! Jonas is doing great today!