Monday, October 29, 2012

Playgrounds and Pumpkins and Costumes - Oh my!

Jonas and I took advantage of the gorgeous weather that we had last week and hit the playground one more time before winter hits.

Jonas and Bethany really worked together to be able to pick up Jonas' giant pumpkin!

What's gonna work?  Teamwork!  I did have to take it from them immediately after I took that picture so they wouldn't drop it and let it smash into smithereens.  Of course, once we got the pumpkins where they needed to go, it was pumpkin carving time!  Jonas designed his own jack-o-lantern face, and I did the best I could to carve out his masterpiece :-)

Last night we went to Trinity's annual "Trunk or Treat".  It ended up being in the gym because of the rain, but the kids had a blast anyway, and came home with tons of candy!  

Jonas loved doing his strong Hulk poses, and can't wait to dress up again for Halloween!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love it keep up the great work Sarah