Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Quotes of the Week

Jonas: When I'm 6 I might start having milk in my cereal.  
me: Bethany and Bekah have milk in their cereal.
Jonas: It's just because some people are different, mom.  Like I'm a boy and you're a girl.  You like stuffing and I don't.  People are just different, right?


“Mom, when you turned on the light you broke my dream!”


Jonas was playing with his mini skateboards and his Papa asked him what they were called.  He said, "Netflix". He truly thinks his skateboards are called Netflix. Weird.

Miscellaneous Fun

The Kindergartners were allowed to pick out books from the school library to take home for the first time this year last Tuesday.  Jonas picked out a Star Wars book, and was totally into reading it all week.

From January 2012

From January 2012


Saturday we headed over to the Radt's for a Dove chocolate party.  While the mommies were busy eating yummy chocolate, the kids bundled up and had some fun in the snow!

From January 2012


For some reason Jonas has starting carrying around weird things as "pets".  So far he has a pet potato, and a pet water balloon.  He even brought the potato to church on Sunday!

From January 2012


After church we went out for lunch, and Jonas kept himself busy (and entertained the people around us) by stacking the jellies into huge towers.  One older gentleman reminded us after lunch to take our "bricklayer" home!

From January 2012


Happy Birthday, Denny!  Jonas had a great time at Denny's birthday party Sunday afternoon!  He even drew Denny a picture of Gort (the robot from "The Day the Earth Stood Still)...too bad he's the only one who has any idea who Gort is :-)

From January 2012

From January 2012

Monday, January 09, 2012


Papa got a model rocket for Christmas (and we still had one lying around), so everyone headed to the park yesterday to blast them off.  We were pretty successful!  They both blasted, and we even found one afterwards!  Jonas was a little disappointed we couldn't get the other one out of the tree it landed in, but he is excited to be able to blast off the one we found again soon.

Setting up the red rocket
From January 2012

From January 2012

Here comes rocket number 2!
From January 2012

Here's a video of the white rocket blasting off...and us all chasing it like idiots.
From January 2012 Videos

Lisa got it!  It wasn't easy though...she had to go through swamps and prickly bushes and all kinds of things, but she is serious about those rockets!
From January 2012

The whole crew headed back to the car after the big adventure.
From January 2012

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Mickey Mouse

161 days until our vacation to Disney!  Jonas and I are already excited, and we made Mickey Mouse waffles this morning!

Wednesday, January 04, 2012


Bethany and Jonas were pretending to be Hayden last night.  Started out pretty hysterical...they were both cracking up trying not to let Papa feed them with a bottle.  Of course, by the end they both thought it was awesome, and I'm pretty sure we are going to have to squash all their fun soon and tell them they are actually way too old to use a bottle in real life.

From January 2012

From January 2012

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Strong Museum of Play

To end our Christmas vacation, we all headed to Rochester to the Strong Museum of Play.  Even though I still wasn't feeling too great, I refused to let our entire vacation go by without doing anything fun!  We did have a great day there, and Jonas and his cousins had a blast experiencing the fun exihibits that they have there.  We will definitely go again, and hopefully next time we won't end it with a trip to the doctor for double ear infections!

Visiting the train tables...we were successfully able to distract them from the actual train that cost $1 per child to ride :-)

From January 2012

The various superhero poses

From January 2012

From January 2012

From January 2012

From January 2012

From January 2012

Bear Country - the Berenstain Bears

From January 2012

Jonas spent an extraordinary amount of time loading apples onto the conveyor belt and dumping them in the bucket...I think he would like working in Bear Country!

From January 2012

Lisa and I had fun in Bear Country too...Abby broke our super cool wall, and we made awesome silly sentences!

Another surprising favorite was the "Fairy Tale Room", where Jonas made me a feast and served me for a good 20 minutes.

From January 2012

Those crazy Lafferty's think they're birds!

From January 2012

And, of course, Wegman's shopping.  Jonas took a lot of care to pick out his 5 things to buy, and still has his receipt!

From January 2012

From January 2012

The last half an hour and the way home was rough.  Jonas started complaining about his ear, and I got him to the doctor as soon as we got home.  A double ear infection and some amoxicillan, and today we're feeling much better!

From January 2012