Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Visit to "Aunt" Beth's

Before we went on vacation, we visiting Aunt Beth. When Jonas fell asleep on the couch, Baxter decided to join him!

Tee Ball

Jonas loved his new tee ball set, even though he had a little trouble actually hitting the ball! Unfortunately, every time he missed and hit the tee, it all fell apart. There was a lot of rebuilding going on!

Vacation Bible School

Singing songs and giving high fives

Swabbing the deck before Captain Steve comes and finds out it's dirty!

Being goofy!

Jonas helping lead the Bible verse

A couple weeks ago we held our VBS program at church, "High Seas Expedition". Jonas and Bethany learned lots of Bible stories that took place out on the sea, and had a great time with Captain Steve and Sailor Jackie! I was leading the crafts most of the time, so I wasn't able to get too many pictures, but here's what I have.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Jonas got a new tee ball set. We have 1 hit so far out of about 20 tries, but it was a good one!

Monday, July 12, 2010


We had another great year out at Pioneer's Summerfest. The kids had a great time swimming in the lake, although Lisa and I were in the lake too, so unfortunately, no pictures. New this year - We got to ride in a paddle boat! Bethany was not a huge fan, to the point that there was no time to take her picture on the boat because the ride was too short! Jonas enjoyed "driving" it around. He was about as good as me (not very good!). Jonas had a lot of bounce house fun too, especially when Uncle Mike bounced him all around!

Swimming Pictures

"Why did you sit me up like this??"

Happy swimmers - Even Bethany!

Sleeping Beauty

Sailing the boat

This post is largely centered on the Lafferty girls, but they were the stars of swimming last week!

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Bethany, Jonas, and Rebekah were acting out the Three Little Pigs today, but instead of the pigs being afraid of the wolf, they were thanking him for blowing their houses down. Strange kids!
We are having some sprinkler fun today. It is hot!!

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Swimming is still going on! All 3 Lafferty girls are in the pool! Bethany is a water fish today. You won't believe the pictures!
Jonas is swimming in Uncle Larry's pool and he can touch the bottom!

Monday, July 05, 2010

Who's the Driver?

Jonas told me to get in the car seat and buckle up! Sometimes I do wish I could sit in the backseat and relax.
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Silly Bath Time

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Jonas is home from a fun weekend with his daddy full of swimming and fireworks. Now he is catching up with his cousins with some pool time!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Outside Fun

Jonas pulled the girls in the wagon for a good 25 minutes without stopping! At least he's getting good exercise!

"Fifteen Miles on the Erie Canal"!

Jonas doing "something cool"

Bethany doing "something cool"

I think Jonas thought the crane was more impressive than the locks.

On Tuesday, Matt and I took the kids to the Erie Canal for some ship watching. It turned out Jonas thought we were going to see rocket ships, so he wasn't too impressed. It was still a fun time!

Community Days

Waiting for the parade - nice picture, right?

You knew that couldn't last for too long!

Jonas loved this!

This was Jonas' favorite ride because it went really fast around the turns!

Last weekend West Seneca had their "Community Days" event, which includes a parade and carnival rides. The parade was easily and hour and 45 minutes, so I figure this year we've seen the world's longest parade and the world's shortest parade (see post here). After that we headed over to the rides, and Jonas was psyched to go on the Ferris Wheel. Mommy was a little nervous, but we made it through. After going on a bunch of fun rides, Jonas won a giant inflatable hammer in the ducky pond, and it was time to head home!