Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Time is Here...

Our kids performed in our school's Christmas Celebration this past week.  Jonas and Bethany both sang "Go Tell it on the Mountain" with sign language.

We had our gift exchange at school and Santa came to hand out the presents!

Jonas got a super cool monster truck and silly string from his special friend, Will.  Kyle asked for pancakes, and was really excited when he got them!

Christmas parties were underway this weekend, starting with a Thompson party at Aunt Marie's and Uncle Larry's.  We got to visit with lots of cousins, and Jonas ate tons of treats.  The self-playing piano was a hit, too!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Pre-Christmas Catch Up

Well, it's been over a month since my last post, so I feel the need to do a massive catch up before Christmas hits and I have a hundred new pictures to go through.  So here's our last month, at a glance.

Jonas had his Thanksgiving feast at school.  He dressed up like a Pilgrim, and I'm pretty sure he just ate rolls and dessert.

Jonas on Thanksgiving Day...he loves Hayden's horsie.

Decorating the apartment

The Festival of Lights at the fairgrounds.  We saw a magic show, a game show, reindeer, and of course, Santa.

The first snowfall...Jonas was in heaven.  Too bad there's no snow now and it's almost Christmas...

Jonas finished another session of swim class.  He did an awesome job!

The 1st and 2nd graders led chapel last week by presenting the Christmas story.  They worked really hard!  Jonas did a great job memorizing his lines and made a very handsome wise man.  Bethany was Mary, and she looked beautiful!

We decorated Christmas cut out cookies.  Yummy!  (Maybe not the most sanitary cookies...)

There!  Now bring on Christmas!