Friday, June 24, 2011

We just saw Cars 2. Grandma Jane asked Jonas if he liked the movie, and he said "It makes me want to turn into a car!"

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fun in the Creek

Jonas and I met the Radts down at the creek this afternoon. It was quite an adventure...

It started off with some normal water fun...

Until Luke lost his flip flop, and Mrs. Lindsay had to go running after it!

If you look way off in the distance, you can see a guy who very kindly intercepted the flip flop and returned it. But not before Mrs. Lindsay was soaking wet.

Mrs. Lindsay was super excited to be all wet, and she had an injured toe too. All to save a $2 pair of flip flops.

Jonas and Amelia were quite the little sweethearts all day, constantly holding hands and never more than 2 feet away from each other.

They've spotted a crayfish...and Mrs. Lindsay decided to try to catch it.

She got it! Jonas thought it was super cool...

Until it pinched him.

It took a few minutes to get over that little episode, but he is tough. He perked up to take a picture with Mrs. Lindsay and Amelia. Still holding hands...

It was an awesome afternoon. Thanks Mrs. Lindsay, Luke, and Amelia!!

Playing Outside

Jonas and I played outside a little bit this morning, and he got some practice time in on his scooter.

No Naps!

So Jonas is going into Kindergarten in the fall, so he won't be able to take naps anymore. Now keep in mind he still naps for 2 1/2 - 3 hours every afternoon. Being the smart mom I am, I figured I would take away his naps during the summer so he would get used to it. Today was Day #1. Jonas went into his room to look at books.... didn't work out so well. I went to check on him about 15 minutes later, and he had put himself to bed!

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Jonas had a great Father's Day weekend with his dad. He came home early enough today for us to stop over at his uncle's house, and guess what he ended up doing?? Swimming!

Friday, June 17, 2011


Jonas and I enjoyed the beautiful weather by playing on the playground today. We were super excited when we got there, because they had added a bunch of new stuff. Fun!

There are 3 other little boys on the playground right now, but Jonas is choosing to hang out with a 9 year girl. Should I be worried?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Quote of the Day

Jonas: Who's going to breakfast?
Papa: Just me and you.
Jonas: No Papa, God is always with us...but you don't have to order him anything.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

New Scooter!

Santa finally brought Jonas' new scooter! He gave Jonas a scooter on Christmas, but it was missing parts. This one looks great, and Jonas loves it!

Uncle Mike helping Jonas adjust his scooter

From June 2011

From June 2011

From June 2011

Video - Jonas made up "exercises" to help him get better at riding his scooter!


I had to bring Jonas with me to a wake last night. As we were passing the casket, Jonas pointed at the body, and said (loudly), "Dead!"

Star Wars Night

On Saturday we took the kids up to Star Wars night at the Bison's game. We all had a great time!

Jonas with some of the characters

Light Sabers...


Jonas finished his first session of soccer. He really improved over the weeks and scored 2 goals in the last game! Here he is getting his award.

Swim Class

Jonas just finished his last swim class for this session. He is doing great, and he gets to start level 1 next! He loves to walk under water and jump in the pool.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Jonas: Do you know what ants like to eat? Bubbles!

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Quote of the Day

While Jonas was taking his bath, he was naming parts of his body he was going to wash.
Jonas: "Now it's time for my bum butt. That's funny! But it's not appropriate."

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Memorial Weekend Camping

We went camping at Stonybrook State Park for Memorial Day weekend with the Lafferty's and the Radt's. Uncle Mike, Aunt Mary, Papa, and Grandma came up on Saturday, too! We had a great time, and here's a bunch of pictures to prove it!

Already tired out

The four older kids, waiting for the camp fire to start


Puddle jumping!

Stonybrook has a great playground with a lot of cool spinny things!

We took a little hike through the creek, and went swimming in it the next day. It was a good thing Jonas was around to help Mommy...I wasn't too good at it!

More playground time...


And we spent some time playing with Silly String.

Last day in the creek

The last night was pretty rough...thunderstorms and wet sleeping bags!

We had a fantastic time and can't wait till next year!!