Friday, September 17, 2010

Happy Birthday to Mommy

We celebrated my birthday last night, and my sisters and brothers made me an awesome "Princess and the Frog" cake. They are so funny.

From September 2010

My face is actually taped on that princess!

From September 2010

Monkey Heads

Bethany brought in an awesome snack for her first snack day - Monkey Heads! How cute - except now Lisa has quite the standard to live up to!

From September 2010

Dance Party

Grace and Jonas having a dance party in my classroom before school starts :)

From September 2010

1st Day of School

Jonas has just finished his first week of school. He is going 5 mornings a week now, and I am loving teaching him and Bethany. They are both doing great, and are making lots of new friends!

Top of the stairs picture on the 1st day

From September 2010

Painting away

From September 2010

How tall are you compared to Albert Einstein?

From September 2010

From September 2010


From September 2010

Slightly off topic, but funny - is Bekah ambidextrous too?

From September 2010

Bekah also can't wait until she can come to school! Every day she comes in my room and doesn't want to leave. Cute :)
I can't wait to watch Jonas and Beth grow and learn throughout the year. How lucky am I to get to teach the 2 cutest kids ever?

Game Night at Aunt Sarah's

All the Lafferty ladies came over last weekend for a game night and sleepover. Everyone had lots of fun, and Jonas and the girls can't wait for the next one!

Playing Jonas' Blue's Clue's game

From September 2010

From September 2010

Abby being cute

From September 2010

Sisterly Love

From September 2010

From September 2010

Jonas' Photography

Recently Jonas has been grabbing my camera whenever he has a chance and taking pictures of everything. Usually it ends up being pictures of the floor or his fingers, but here a couple really cute shots he got.

From September 2010

From September 2010