We spent a day at the Great Adventure theme park. Jonas was a little daredevil, and he was disappointed that he wasn't tall enough to go on the big roller coasters. Even so, he had a great time going on the rides that he was big enough for, and we were all good and exhausted by the end of the day!
Ready for the day!
This was Jonas' favorite ride, but I'm not sure Bethany appreciated getting all wet! Jonas and I were soaked!

Aunt Lisa was terrified of the ferris wheel, which was not a good thing, because Bethany loved it and wanted to ride over and over!

How is it possible to go from this:

to this, in less than 1 minute?

Meeting Bugs Bunny and Tweety Bird!

The teacups were tons of fun and Bethany and Jonas loved spinning super fast!

Sweet little Abby being her usual good-natured self

According to my pictures, all grandma did was talk on the phone all day!